For customers who have subscribed to or reserved the Extra data option with Simple S / M / L by August 17, 2021
We would like to inform you about the revision of the service content of the Extra data option as of September 1, 2021.
September 1, 2021
Previously, customers were asked to use auto charge (at no additional cost) to obtain the extra data included in the extra data option.
From September, the extra data (2GB for S / 5GB for M/L) will be automatically added to your original data allowance, with no need to auto charge.
Consequently, any data bought through auto charge will be 550 yen / 0.5GB, regardless of your Extra data option.
Customers who have set their auto charge on for this purpose (1 to 14 charges worth, depending on your plan) are asked to turn it OFF, otherwise you will be charged 550 yen / 0.5GB purchased through auto charge from Sep. 1, 2021.
Even if you do not set the setting to "OFF", the setting will be automatically changed to “OFF" in order to prevent unintended purchases.
You will be notified by email.
Please apply from here to change the settings. * My Y!mobile login is required.
Softbank Corp.